Comic: Blackout (Original by Puki)

[Rated M-16]

Ooh boy, Nick.  What have you gotten yourself into?  Waking up like this, not knowing what you did last night… yeah, you probably shouldn’t drink anymore.  Hopefully this scares some sense into ya.

Thanks to Puki (ぷき) for making the original comic, and thanks to LMAbacus for translating and editing it for us!  You can find more of Puki’s work over on Pixiv and Twitter.

Check out the original over on Pixiv and the translated version over on imgur or after the break!
The artist has drawn a follow-up to this, which can be found here!

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    • Nope; the new comic shows what happened. NOTHING HAPPENED! +1 FOR NON-SHIPPERS!

    • the "nothing happened" nick was asking about, was if he had done anything that gave away his real feelings, ie, confessed his feelings for her. which, he did, but judy lied to him. nick was relieved, as far as he knows, that he didn't tell judy he loved her while he was drunk, which he did X3


  2. why is she soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE

  3. This one is great, XD, Respect Nick for feeling guilty but he doesn't know what he did XD,damn

  4. I really hope another comic of this comes out. I really want to see this fanfic story continue xD

  5. I know this is 2 years late, but…
    Nick's feelings wasn't the only thing Judy covered up. Well Nick sort of, almost crossed a line there, but given their relationship, it's clear that Judy….would have let him. Because she loves him too.

    I love this comic, I thought it was hot.

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