Hello all! Andy thought it’d be a good idea for me to introduce myself to you all…so hi! Cripes this is awkward. Someone throw me a bone here?
What’s that Moonwolf? tell them a bit about myself? Ok.
Hello I’m Tomlocke, but you probably guessed that if you read the title.
I’m [redacted] years old and currently studying at [readacted] of Music to become a teacher one day.
I like long walks on the beach and I’m also a part-time fanfiction reader, which is probably why Andy asked me to become his one and only pre-reader.
(“See, I told you his name wasn’t Joe!” ~ Andy from the future.)
Oh right! That reminds me you can check out our fanfiction submission rules here. And the next person to submit a story without a cover image will be given this. You think I’m kidding? Just watch!
Well, what are you still doing here? I need stuff to work on too you know! C’mon give me something to read ok? Pretty please?
While searching the archives, I came across this…didn't know we had pre-reader introductions…or was this buried on purpose?